Portfolio Category: Photography

Yvette Meltzer

Yvette Meltzer enjoyed a variety of art media–drawing, painting, copper enamel work and photography–while growing…

Doug Haight

For more than 20 years Doug Haight has traveled the USA and much of the…

Stephen Guenther

My first camera came at a very young age, just noting that is was a…

David Sutton

As a very young animal lover, David Sutton wanted to be a veterinarian. By age…

Socorro Mucino

“I love that printmaking is done by hand; rolling, wiping ink on plates and cranking…

Alice George

Artist/Teacher/Consultant Email: alice@alicegeorge.org Phone: 847-687-0099 (cell) Website: www.alicegeorge.org Shop Evanston Made: Alice George Studio 2024…

Jeanne LaCasse

Places I’ve been - Places I’ve never been Spanning several mediums, my work encapsulates places…

Julie Cowan

Florals, political themes and architecture are the primary areas of investigation and exploration. My paper…

Mark Hurwich

Mark Hurwich is anything but a “serious” photographer and potter. Rather, his work reflects a…

Jessica Kaplan

Vision. Anticipation. Patience. My curiosity enables me to capture authentic moments in time, in which…

Donna Wesley Spencer

Donna Wesley Spencer is a founding member of Perspective Gallery in Evanston. For the past…

Kim Romain

Everyone is on a journey. Sometimes along our paths we get to experience the light.…

Ross Martens

Juxtaposing miniatures, photography, found objects and toys, I explore humor & pathos with ambiguities of…

Jordan Scott Photography

Jordan Scott is an award winning Chicago based artist and photographer. As well as teaching…

Ted Glasoe

I am inspired to photograph Lake Michigan in every way I can — from sweeping…
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