
Pamela Allen

I’ve always loved art, but it is only with a camera that I’m able to describe the way that I see the world.

A B.A. in American Culture and a M.A. in Film/Video from the University of Michigan led to a career in television. Through video editing I was able to help shape the look of images in entertainment, documentary and promotional programming.

Yet, it is in my photographs that I have been able to reach a more personal expression of what I find remarkable. In my work I seek to depict the people, places and things that make a location unique. To show different perspectives on the landscape, community and natural world that informs my lens.

I have only recently been sharing my photographs. My work was included in the Lenscratch 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition. I also had a one-woman exhibit of my photographs at Evanston’s Coffee Lab during the month of October 2021.

Email: pallen602@gmail.com

Instagram: @pamela.a.allen

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