
Samuel Onche

Sam Onche is an illustrator/painter based in the United States. He was born in Nigeria, Benue and moved to the US in 2015. He studied studio art at Colby College with a focus in oil painting. Sam uses the digital and oil medium to create illustrations for posters, prints, book covers and album covers. He uses Black art as a voice to speak on issues and expectations, as well as representation of Black people in our world today.

Clients: Colorforchange; Harper Collins; Sennheiser; ICanvas; Bibliokid Publishers; Shein; Unfinished Legacy.

Art exhibitions: Ode to blackness; Mini solo Artem popup gallery; Group exhibition Lewis Gallery; The Great state of illustration in Maine; Group exhibition Fourtunehouse; Chicago Fineart Salon: 2022  Colby College Senior Exhibition.

Published books: SOGO: The Art of Sam Onche & The Beat in my Head

Website: www.sogoarts.net
Instagram: @tallass_illustrator
Email: onchesamuel103@gmail.com

Shop Evanston Made: SOGO ARTS

In the News:

That Art Thing We Do: Evanston Roundtable: at Noyes-Sam-Onche-Black-in-Color 2/17/24

Sam Onche: Truth and Lies, Maine Arts Journal, Spring 2023.

Dear Black Boy, ABAD: A Book a Day, March 6, 2023.

Sam Onche’s afrofuturism, collater.al, 2022.

Face to face with Sam Onche, Colby News, August 25, 2022.

Sad for Us and Proud of Us, The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Immigration Journey, June 18, 2022.

Portraits of Power: The Paintings of Sam Onche, Colby Center for the Arts & Humanities, February 17, 2022.

Portraits by Sam Onche inspired by ’90s fashion, video games and Afro-futurism, Creative Boom, January 6, 2022.

Expressive Portraits by Sam Onche, Inspiration Grid, November 15, 2021.


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