Morgan Anderson
I love photography. I’m a Chicago-based photographer working in both fine art and commercial spaces. Working with my clients to capture their vision has made for a wonderful career. Creating art and working obsessively to realize my own vision is the highest satisfaction I can get from the medium I have loved since I was a kid.
My current series is the culmination of a life dedicated to the art and craft of photography. The Even In Alleys series celebrates perception, feeling, and the essential joy of looking. I explore the borders between public and private spaces in search of elements that are recognizable but not burdened with strong emotional ties. Based on what I see, and with fidelity to the scene, I create an image that elevates the mundane to something worthy of contemplation. Working diligently with composition and subtle adjustments, I create an even balance between ordinary & majestic, organic & geometric, familiar & confounding, chaos & order, tangible & implied. By resolving every element and activating the entire image space, the viewer should feel encouraged to and rewarded by exploration.
Instagram: @morganandersonphoto
Facebook: morganandersonphoto