
Greg Grucel

Greg Grucel is an artist of Filipino and Polish descent. He channels his diverse heritage and artistic training from Columbia College Chicago into a vibrant exploration of visual storytelling. His creative journey spans across drawings, paintings, sculpture, and animation, where each medium becomes a portal to convey intricate narratives and emotive landscapes.

In his animated video works, Greg deftly intertwines color, pattern, and evolving imagery with soundscapes, inviting viewers into a synesthetic experience where visual and auditory elements harmonize. His compositions oscillate between moments of elation and frustration, delving into the complexities of human existence and the layers of perception that shape our realities.

With a background in both visual arts and marketing, Greg brings a unique perspective to his practice, seamlessly blending technical proficiency with a profound artistic sensibility. His artworks have garnered recognition in prestigious venues such as The Gene Siskel Film Center, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and Zhou B Art Center, where they have been featured in prominent group exhibitions.

Through his art, Greg challenges viewers to contemplate the veils that obscure and distort our understanding of the world, offering glimpses into the profound and the mundane, the beautiful and the disquieting. Each piece is a testament to his ongoing exploration of identity, perception, and the boundless possibilities of visual expression.

Email: gjgrucel@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makeismagick/


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