
Bonnie Katz

Bonnie Katz’s current work is inspired from observing behaviors and characteristics of the animal world around her. Clay as her medium, she models figures both sculptural and as functional vessels. Working from a summer journal of charcoal sketches for inspiration, Katz creates her work in 2 different methods. 1) animals are pinched and modeled 2) animal shapes are reproduced onto clay slabs, painted, and incised with colored terra sigillata slips. The work is smoked in a sawdust pit to give an ambiance of mystery and wonder.

Inspired by her ceramic pieces, Katz has created a series of charcoal drawings exploring shape, form, texture, and scale. As the drawings develop and create a sculptural presence, Katz sees her next round of ceramic pieces inspired from her drawings!

Bonnie Katz is an artist and teacher within the Chicago arts community. Currently she teaches at the Evanston Art Center as well as having taught at universities, public and private schools. Katz received her BFA from Washington University in St. Louis and an MFA from the New York State collage Of Ceramics at Alfred University. Her work has been exhibited in local and national exhibitions.

Email: info@bonniejkatz.com

Website:  bonniejkatz.com

The Art of Making Art: Bonnie Katz, Evanston Roundtable, March 13, 2023.

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