Julie Rivera
I am a textile, mixed-media artist. Patterns and color in nature never cease to inspire me. Being close to water soothes my soul and it is often represented in my work through an image or the use of indigo. I incorporate problem-solving methods I use as a graphic designer to my textile work. My process is slow, using time-consuming
I’m conscious of the impact my art has on the environment. My own garden is filled with flowers, weeds and fresh indigo that I use to dye and print directly with my stencils. If I need other plants, I look to friends’ gardens or respectfully forage from my neighborhood. Dyeing is a water-heavy practice. When possible I use rain water as my source. Upcycling vintage textiles or other finds from thrifting requires less of a need to purchase new cloth. Silk, cotton and linen are my fabrics of choice. Sometimes I use recycled plastic and other found objects to create or embellish my pieces.
I find beauty in the natural world. My art is often beautiful with hidden meanings. My subject matter can be heavy, but I choose to show it through beauty. The viewer can choose to delve deeper. Hopefully, in a sometimes dark world, my pieces bring beauty and joy.
BIO: Julie Rivera is a Chicago-based artist. She holds a BFA in Graphic Design and Textiles from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), Chicago, IL. Her work has been exhibited in group shows at Jackson Junge Gallery, Kavanagh Gallery, Christopher Art Gallery, Evanston Art Center, Chicago Botanic Garden (Fine Art of Fiber), Anderson Art Center and the Terrain Biennial.
Email: julieriveradesign@gmail.com
Website: www.julieriveradesign.com
Instagram: @julieriveradesign
Shop Evanston Made: Julie Rivera
In the News:
The Art of Making Art: Julie Rivera – Evanston RoundTable, December 19, 2022