
Gaby Silva Bavio

Abstract artist. I was born in La Plata, in Argentina. Today I live and create in two very different cities, La Plata and Chicago. I like to show what inspires my art, ranging from everyday experiences, simple observations, to deeper feelings. I believe that in my paintings you can see emotion such as love and anger, captured in different forms, by strong, vibrant colors, and by different movements and textures.

I obtain different textures by using a variety of materials, some organic, such as sand and soil. I also used non-organic material, such as newspaper in collages, and mixed media in general. I like to explore different interpretation of the shapes, colors, and reflections of the light. Lately water and gelatinous substances have inspired me, by their movement, and by the lights and colors of the particles captured in them.

I am working on canvas and oil, but I also find exciting to work on thick paper, acrylic, watercolor, and ink pigments. I am basically an experimental artist. My studio is like of lab where I mix and try several media and surfaces to obtain the desired effect.

Email: gabrush10@gmail.com
Website: www.gabysilvabavioart.net
Instagram: @gabysilvabavio

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