Please Review General Show Guidelines as well as Photography Show Prospectus below:
Shop Evanston Made IRL Prospectus #2-Photography
Evanston Made Members are invited to participate in the
Shop Evanston Made Pop-up at 836 Dempster.
General Show Description
October 2022 Photography:
Parameters for Photography Show and Popup:
Photography Rules
- Photography must be original works executed by the artist
- Each Artist can submit 1 -4 piece (framed Photograph ) for Gallery walls and must be ready to hang- wired or sawtooth hooks. no cleats or d hooks please.
- As work sells, we will be asking for replacement work.
- Artworks (framed) should not exceed a total of 36”x36” footprint per artist.
- There will be flip bins and tables for displaying additional, small, photography to include small framed or matted work, or cards.
- Everything must be loaded into before delivery
- Art not adhering to these rules and restrictions will not be considered for admission and hanging.
- Evanston Made retains 30% commission from sales in the ShopEvanstonMade online store.
- All rules/requirements from the Overview Document pertain to each show/pop-up including but not limited to: Entry fees, Volunteer hours, and support in promoting this project.
- September 29-30 Setup and Intake of Art Intake by 9/28.
- October 1st LAUNCH- First Saturday 4-6p
- Regular schedule of hrs Wed-Sun weekly
- Weekly artist event, demonstration, artist talk etc.
- Closing party for Photography show is October 30th 4-6p
Entry Information:
- All prospective participants must apply online. All entrants must submit 1 example of their 2-dimensional work to be used for promotional purposes.
- Deadline for Entries for Photography show is September 23th.
Please note: By applying and participating in this event, you agree to allow images of you and your work to be used online and in promotional material. Event Sponsors, Evanston Made and the City of Evanston are not responsible for loss or damage to artwork. Sponsors reserve the right to reject any artwork that does not meet our expectations or conform to the norms of the community.
Please note: By applying and participating in this event, you agree to allow images of you and your work to be used online and in promotional material for Evanston Made. All submissions must include a loan document & a standard contract regarding damage or theft – links above.
A full schedule of events and Shop Evanston Made store hours will follow soon!
Group Show #1- Painting, Mixed Media, and Drawing 9/3- 9/28
Group Show #2- Photography 9/29-10/30
Holiday Pop-Up – 11/4- 12/20
New Year’s Eve Auction 12/30-12/31
Group Show #3- 3D and Fiber 1/5-1/29
Group Show #4- Prints and Printmaking 2/3- 2/26