Archives: Events


Studio5 Performing Arts Center 1934 Dempster St, Evanston, IL, United States

A solo dance performance by Nejla Yatkin Inspired by her nomadic ancestry, choreographer and global artist Nejla Yatkin has created this solo dance piece in the round. The piece...

$25 – $45

LIVE AT STUDIO5! Nejla Yatkin in Ouroboros

Studio5 Performing Arts Center 1934 Dempster St, Evanston, IL, United States

Nejla Yatkin, a Guggenheim fellow, choreographer and global artist, presents her solo dance performance, “Ouroboros.” Inspired by her nomadic ancestry and inspired by the snake dances of the ancient...

$25 – $35

Sketching at Sketchbook

Sketchbook Brewing 4901 Main St Skokie, 821 Chicago Ave Evanston, Evanston, IL, United States

This monthly sketching meetup is a fantastic way for sketchers of all stages to learn sketching techniques, share what they make and meet new art friends! Hosted at Sketchbook...

Artist Reception for Deyaneira Rodriguez

Compass 814 Dempster St., Evanston, IL

Artist Deyaneira Rodriguez is exhibiting new paintings and prints at Compass, thanks to Evanston Made patron and partner Allie Payne. Click here to see the pieces on exhibit and...


Ebenezer Lutheran Church 1650 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL

CHICAGO – Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble (CDE) begins its 22nd season with “Meditations On Being,” March 1 - 9 in the Auditorium at Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 1650 W. Foster Ave.The...

$10 – $20


art makers outpost 609 Sould Blvd, Evanston IL, IL, United States

Adult Art Making nights at Art Makers Outpost are BYOB and 21+ 6:45 pm-9:00 pm on select Thursday & Friday Nights. We provide lite appetizers to help soak up...


LIVE AT STUDIO5! The Soul Message Band

Studio5 Performing Arts Center 1934 Dempster St, Evanston, IL, United States

Chris Foreman is a true giant of the B-3 organ, and his powerful group delivers a performance that is absolutely electrifying. Blind at birth, Foreman started playing piano at...

$25 – $35

Evanston Art Center Press Release: Jack Austin | Spiritual Journey

1717 Central Street Evanston IL 60201 1717 Central St., Evanston, IL, United States

The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is excited to welcome the public to our upcoming exhibition, Jack Austin | Spiritual Journey. The exhibition will be on display from March 8 -...


UPTOWN: A Celebration of Motown and Soul at Governors State University, March 8

The Center at Governors State University 1 University Pkwy, University Park, Illinois

Governors State University’s (GovState) The Center for Performing Arts (The Center), 1 University Parkway, University Park, continues its 29th season with UPTOWN: A Celebration of Motown and Soul, Saturday,...

$45 – $90
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