Click here for map of all the Evanston Art Connects events!

Make Art / Share Art 

Evanston, you’re invited to transform E-town into a citywide art gallery May 9-June 9!  

Together we are going to “art-bomb” Evanston with homemade art, signs, banners, sculptures, installations, chalk art, performances, etc. to honor our front line workers, spotlight our community helpers, celebrate our graduates, and more!  

Share photos on social media using #EvanstonArtConnects    

What can YOU make and share?

Top: Valerie Kahan and her family created chalk hearts. Bottom: Jamie Thome’s installation inviting people to contribute meaningful words to her tree. 

Earth Art
There’s been LOTS of art popping up in nature thanks to Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary. Artist Joyce Elias (photo) created some beautiful Earth Art Mandalas, and so can YOU!

Visit a park, collect objects, make something, take a photo and post on Instagram w #evanstonstartconnects

Get Involved!

Be an Art Ambassador and share photos of art on social media using #EvanstonArtConnects

Business Owners and Landlords can exhibit art in business windows, fill out this survey to get involved

Artists fill out this survey to exhibit art or perform in vacant storefronts and business windows

Photo below of Beacon Students exhibiting Art Under Glass in Sherman Plaza Building in Downtown Evanston

Need Art Supplies?

Although an ambitious goal, Evanston’s community leaders are working together to fund Art Kits for All! We will try to secure art supplies for any Evanston resident interested in participating who does not have the materials or means to secure the materials to do so.

We are partnering with several sponsors, Art Makers Outpost and Kids Create Change to provide art kits for all!

Reach out to for information on how you can get art supplies.

Partner Organizations

Organizations are invited to join in as producers, funders, promoters … any involvement is welcome!  We are so grateful to the non-profit leaders in Evanston who have stepped up to create this initiative! Below is a list of organizations involved so far; 2020 Year of Kindness and Nonviolent Action, Art in Place, Art with People, Artists Book House, ArtMakers Outpost, Byline Bank, Central Street Business, District 65, Chute Middle School, Citizen Ambassadors, Downtown Evanston, Evanston Art Center, Evanston Arts Council, Evanston Chamber of Commerce, Evanston Community Foundation, Evanston Cradle to Career, Evanston Made, Evanston Made Kids, Evanston Public Library, Evanston Public Library Downtown, Evanston Woman Magazine, Inside the Skev, Institute for Therapy through the Arts, Kids Create Change,  Kindness in Action, Learning Bridge, Main Dempster Mile, Northshore CVB, Northwestern, Open Studio Project, Sketchbook, Terrain, Y.W.C.A., YEA

Reach out if your group wants to get involved at

Event Timeline: 

  • Make thru May
  • Memorial Day Events 5/25-5/27, maps for touring Art Sites & Performances 
  • Day of Creativity, May 30
  • First Saturday Evanston 6/6

Help Promote!

We need your help promoting this event. Share the poster below on your social media channels, email blasts, anywhere that people will see it!